Start Caring Your Farm Today

With High Quality Products.

Titanium-trade is an Egyptian company specialized in veterinary medicines, created by experienced efficient vets to apply the highest global quality standards on veterinary medicines, and they seek to protect domestic wealth, eliminate widespread diseases and increase productivity with an economic cost, highest quality, and safety standards. Titanium company depends on manufacturing its products on accumulated and excellent experience of manufacturing drugs. It was also approved by the Egyptian Ministry of Health in the manufacture of human and veterinary medicine.

Providing veterinary drugs with the highest standards to raise the production of domestic wealth , promote their health and reduce the loss rate.

Provision of high-quality veterinary medicines at an appropriate cost and high effectiveness with universal standards to protect your herd and raise productivity

We Make Unique Effective Products

We love what we do & we do it with passion!

Treating diseases98%
Increase productivity95%
Safety standards100%
Our Products

Economic Cost, Highest Quality & Safety Standards

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الكوكسيديا و أعراضها

الكوكسيديا و أعراضها

الكوكسيديا 🐔🦠هي مرض طفيلي تسببه الاصابة بعترات الايمريا المختلفة ▪️ سلالات الطيور والارانب هي الاكثر عرضه للاصابه ( وهذا ما نستهدفه في منتجاتنا )بالاضافه للعجول

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نصائح لحماية مزرعتك من الأمراض

نصائح لحماية مزرعتك من الأمراض

عشان تعمل مشروع مزرعة دواجن ناجحة من غير أمراض و خسائر في كام حاجة ضروري تلتزم بيها👌✅ و أول حاجه هتهتم بيها هي المكان اللي

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نصائح لتربية الدواجن

نصائح لتربية الدواجن

في بداية مشروعك لتربية الدواجن هتواجه مشاكل بسيطة لو ملحقتهاش و إتغلبت عليها هتسبب خساير كبيرة لا حصر لها ✋يعتمد النجاح في تربية الدواجن على

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Customer’s Stories


It is the greatest company I've ever worked with. From the good prices, excellent products & easy way to follow up. Thank you.

I am very proud of being one of the distributors of these products. Customers liked it very much. I just don't know what to say for this team. Good work all of you.

M. Mahgoub

M. Mahgoub

Farm Owner

A. Khairy

A. Khairy
